ASLA2015 Expo & Conference Chicago USA

So we’ve filled out all the relevant customs and immigration forms, organised the shipping, calculated time-zone changes and computed currency conversions and so, following panic attacks of epic proportions we’re finally there! Chicago USA for the ASLA2015 Conference and Exhibition.

With over 400 exhibitors, the ASLA EXPO is the largest trade show in the landscape architecture industry.

Our booth ‘1061’ looks fun, is interactive and tells a compelling story. We’ve taken some old favourites such as the Babel Drum, Congas and Duo Outdoor Xylophone, along with some pretty special USA inspired ‘My Tunes’ chimes which will let visitors to the booth play ‘Oh My Darling Clementine’ or ‘Amazing Grace’ with no practice or previous musical knowledge! Also, we are delighted to showcase three new instruments the Capella, Hand Pipes and Colossus Chimes.

The response so far has been overwhelming from customers and potential customers. We’ve come to Chicago for relationship building and take the time to meet and discuss what we have to offer and how we can help architects and contractors with their exciting designs.

Sadly they didn’t need a 'booth bunny' so I’m stuck back here in soggy Hampshire UK writing this…

Aalbæk håndtryk
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Bøgelund Cover

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