Small and Perfectly Formed Play Area Outdoor Xylophones

Cadenzas are scaled down outdoor musical instruments perfect for one player and comfortable enough for two. As with all our instruments, the Cadenza is strong, weather-proof and durable. The Cadenza is available in three different styles.

First we have the 'Woden'. The notes of the Woden are made from a hardwood called Ipe. The ipe notes give a lovely rich mellow tone with a long sustain.

Next up is the 'Alumba'. The notes of the Alumba are made from GRP (glass reinforced plastic/fibreglass). The Alumba sounds sweet and produces bright and pure tones.

Finally, we have the Maya. The notes of the 'Maya' are made from aluminium. The Maya has quick and easy response and brilliant tone producing beautiful celestial sounds.

The notes on the Cadenzas are arranged as a traditional xylophone or glockenspiel with low to high notes going from left to right. There are no wires or strings as the notes are individually and securely attached to the resonators for maximum vibration with incredible tones and resonance. Cadenza’s are tuned to the C-Major pentatonic scale covering two octaves.

Our Cadenzas prove you’re never too small to make a big impact

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