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Udendørs musikinstrumenter til alle

Vores udendørs musikinstrumenter er for alle og fremmer glæden ved at spille musik. Om I søger en spændende tilføjelse til legepladsen i daginstitutionen, på skolen, i parken eller anden offentligt område, i jeres sansehave på plejehjemmet, den sociale institution, sygehuset eller hospice, har Percussion Play en løsning til at bringe musikken frem til jer.

Musik bringer mennesker sammen og nedbryder barrierer. Med musikinstrumenter fra Percussion Play skabes inkluderende fællesskaber, hvor alle kan være med og hvor et handicap ikke er en hindring.

Musik giver universet en sjæl, den giver sindet vinger, fantasien flugt, alvoren charme, og den giver munterhed og liv til alt” - Platon

Om os

Percussion Play

We’ve just installed the instruments and both I and several of the staff have had fun with the residents in the new musical garden. One lady in her 70’s has moderately severe dementia,. When she was younger she would play the piano, however whenever I tried playing the piano with her during our sessions she would become frustrated and upset because she was no longer able to play ‘correctly’. However, taking her into the garden to play the pentatonic instruments which she could just play and explore, with no wrong notes, her senses were opened and music making became enjoyable again.