Velkommen til Percussion Play’s Blog

Vi håber at du vil være en regelmæssig gæst. Vi har vores blog og deler historier om de instrumenter, vi laver og de mennesker, der spiller på dem. Vi deler detaljer om spændende nye musikprojekter fra hele verden. Vi deler oplysninger om de instrumenter vi sælger og lidt om den inspiration, der ligger bag dem.

Vi giver dig også besked om events, der finder sted.

Vigtigst af alt, så handler denne blog om hvad vi elsker at gøre mest, hjælpe dig med at skabe nye og spændende projekter med udendørs musikinstrumenter.

Tak fordi du læser med, besøger, kommenterer og bidrager, det er vi rigtig glade for!

Music Making For Dementia Awareness Week and #DoSomethingNew

In support of Dementia Awareness Week 2015 and the #DoSomethingNew campaign, Percussion Play teamed up with a local Care Home, East Hill in Hampshire for a little participant-led music making session outside in the garden. Percussion Play took along a small selection of their outdoor musical instruments for a morning of musical fun in the sun with the residents.

Percussion Play Director Robin Ashfield said “We belief music making outdoors has a unique magic not only for older residents but for the whole community of a care home, including visitors, family and staff. We wanted to be part of this special week and show there is nothing like music to bring people together.”

The aim of Dementia Awareness Week is to improve understanding of Dementia and overcoming stigma through local events and activities. Dementia is rapidly becoming the health and social care challenge of the 21st century. Numbers affected are set to soar because of an expanding older population. There is...

Encouraging Deaf Children and Young People Access Music

Deaf Awareness Week 2015 4th-10th May

We’re halfway through Deaf Awareness Week 2015 and this year’s theme is ‘Connect and Communicate’ which aims to raise awareness of the importance of establishing meaningful connections and effective communication for people with hearing loss.

Did you know that 15% of the population in the UK are deaf to some extent? All over the world there are people with varying levels of hearing loss, deafness is a spectrum from mild to profound, from little children with glue ear to those who have lost hearing later in life. Some communicate using sign language whilst others lip read. Some deaf children can use a lot of their residual hearing with the support of hearing aids or they might have a cochlear implant. Others may be deaf in just one ear. The type and level of deafness and the technology used means every deaf child’s perception of music will vary greatly.

Contrary to what many people believe, deaf children are able to access music,...

Rainbow Sambas Outdoor Drums With Election Fever

Show Your True Colours This Election

In the spirit of the upcoming UK elections Percussion Play have coloured our most popular product - the Rainbow Sambas - in the colours of five major UK parties.

As Great Britain is now in the grip of election fever and as the public head to the polls we definitely don’t want to use our blog as any sort of political crusade and will remain apolitical, merely demonstrating that our drums are suitable whatever your political leanings!

And this multi-coloured set is sure to strike a chord with the floating voter.

About Rainbow Sambas Outdoor Drums Rainbow Sambas are tuned, fully functional musical instruments and not just playground equipment. Movement, timing, rhythm, these are the very basis of drumming and studies have shown that a child's sense of timing—that is, the ability to feel and express a steady beat—has a dramatic effect on speech flow, motor skills, sporting ability, and other important developmental...

Danish Care Home Residents Musical Garden

Article from PLEJE (CARE) Magazine: New Notes at the Care Centre

Trollemose Care Centre in Svendborg, Denmark are delighted with the new outdoor musical instruments they now have in their garden.

Originally, the Care Centre was looking for something new and interesting for the residents to look at in the garden. But then they heard about outdoor musical instruments.

“There’s something very special about these musical instruments that attracts people to them. You simply can’t resist walking up to them and striking them just to hear the sound that comes out of them” says Section Manager at Trollemose Care centre, Agnete Bille.

And with help from the Trollevenner Voluntary Association, who applied for money from the Municipality’s funding pool for ‘the prevention of loneliness among the elderly’, they bought two outdoor xylophones and a drum from Percussion Play, Denmark.

The instruments are strategically placed so that they can be clearly seen from the public...

Percussion Play Back ‘Made In Britain’ Campaign

Percussion Play, based in the heart of Hampshire, has joined the Made in Britain Campaign, an initiative started in 2011 to support and promote British manufacturing in the UK and overseas. The Made in Great Britain marque is accredited to businesses which sell goods that have been manufactured in Great Britain and is managed by a committee made up of MDs and CEOs of UK manufacturing companies as well as other supporters of British manufacturing.

Percussion Play have been creating outdoor musical instruments in Hampshire since 2008. It is still a family run business and they sell to customers all over the world and through selected quality distributors across the UK too.

Percussion Play Managing Director, Jody Ashfield said, “It’s a source of immense pride that we can say that all of our products are manufactured in the UK. We’re delighted to show our on-going commitment to UK manufacturing by joining a campaign that truly identifies British made products. By passing the criteria...