Velkommen til Percussion Play’s Blog

Vi håber at du vil være en regelmæssig gæst. Vi har vores blog og deler historier om de instrumenter, vi laver og de mennesker, der spiller på dem. Vi deler detaljer om spændende nye musikprojekter fra hele verden. Vi deler oplysninger om de instrumenter vi sælger og lidt om den inspiration, der ligger bag dem.

Vi giver dig også besked om events, der finder sted.

Vigtigst af alt, så handler denne blog om hvad vi elsker at gøre mest, hjælpe dig med at skabe nye og spændende projekter med udendørs musikinstrumenter.

Tak fordi du læser med, besøger, kommenterer og bidrager, det er vi rigtig glade for!

ASLA2015 Expo & Conference Chicago USA

So we’ve filled out all the relevant customs and immigration forms, organised the shipping, calculated time-zone changes and computed currency conversions and so, following panic attacks of epic proportions we’re finally there! Chicago USA for the ASLA2015 Conference and Exhibition.

With over 400 exhibitors, the ASLA EXPO is the largest trade show in the landscape architecture industry.

Our booth ‘1061’ looks fun, is interactive and tells a compelling story. We’ve taken some old favourites such as the Babel Drum, Congas and Duo Outdoor Xylophone, along with some pretty special USA inspired ‘My Tunes’ chimes which will let visitors to the booth play ‘Oh My Darling Clementine’ or ‘Amazing Grace’ with no practice or previous musical knowledge! Also, we are delighted to showcase three new instruments the Capella, Hand Pipes and Colossus Chimes.

The response so far has been overwhelming from customers and potential customers. We’ve come to Chicago for relationship...

Musical Activities Using The Sights & Sounds of Autumn

It’s autumn time again. I just love everything about this season, it's my favourite time of year. A step between summer and winter, it can be a wonderful mix of very warm days along with milder, cooler ones. The days get shorter and sleeping gets more satisfying than ever! In every way the autumnal season is a delight to the senses, some are so appealing and you don’t need to feel sorry that the summer is over. I thought it would be fun to list some of the different ways we can experience the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes of autumn.

Sight - Nothing compares to the colour of autumn leaves at the peak of their splendour. The rich, vibrant tones produced as the leaves lose their chlorophyll, and reveal their true colours is a breath taking sight, no matter how often you’ve seen it. The green foliage of summer gradually gives way to colours that span the spectrum from dull browns to spectacularly vivid reds, oranges and yellows. This provides opportunities...

Rain, rain, go away but first let's play a little music

We had several visitors come to Percussion Play towers yesterday. They’d come along to see and play our outdoor musical instruments and so in preparation we bought a selection of instruments out onto our sunny courtyard, ready to be admired and enjoyed. Then it started to rain, really rain and it did not stop - a right British downpour. Not a problem for the outdoor musical instruments, they’re built to withstand the elements and will produce a great sound whatever the weather, especially the rain. Let’s be honest, here in the UK we’re not exactly blessed with the sunniest of climates, in fact we are known for attracting a fair amount of rainfall pretty much all year round. So you either stay inside to avoid the showers or you face the weather full on, which is exactly what we did. We decided to defy the weather, donned some raincoats, grabbed umbrellas and went and had some creative musical fun in the rain.

In fact, with rain showers comes inspiration. The weather can undoubtedly...

Conga Drums Ready to Appear In a Playground Near You!

The Conga Drums are fast becoming our most popular product. Bright, colourful and entertaining, the Congas are easy to install and fantastic value for money. We are currently building large numbers ready to be installed across the globe and thought this shot of them all ready for assembly looked great.

Drums are one of the oldest forms of musical instrument, with history stretching back thousands of years—and long before the invention of the modern drums sets, different kinds of drums played a major role in the music, traditions, and communication of many cultures around the world.

It’s thought that Conga Drums originate from Africa with the name probably deriving from the Republic of the Congo (Congolese). Conga drums also have roots in Cuban music, it’s thought the conga drum came to Cuba during the slave trade. Among Cubans and aficionados the name Tumbadora is considered more accurate and a musician who plays a conga is called a Conguero.

The conga drum is a tall and...

Music Will Fill The Air For World Music Day

Music will fill the air on World Music Day - the world’s largest annual free music event!

World Music Day (also known as 'Fête de la Musique') is an annual music celebration which takes place every year in cities around the world on June 21, the first day of summer. The idea originated more than 30 years ago by American musician Joel Cohen while working at the national French radio station France Musique. Joel proposed to have music celebrations on both the summer and winter solstices. The French Minister of Culture accepted half of his proposal, and on June 21 1982, the first ‘Fête de la Musique’ was born, fast becoming a national celebration. Now days World Music Day has become an international phenomenon. One important rule is to be followed - the music must be free, bringing the joy of concerts and live music to fans in every corner of the planet. Typically the music is played outdoors, often in the the street, to give access to people of all social backgrounds and includes...