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Vi giver dig også besked om events, der finder sted.

Vigtigst af alt, så handler denne blog om hvad vi elsker at gøre mest, hjælpe dig med at skabe nye og spændende projekter med udendørs musikinstrumenter.

Tak fordi du læser med, besøger, kommenterer og bidrager, det er vi rigtig glade for!

Rio World Cup & The Musical Instruments Of Brazil

Love them or hate them, the World Cup in South Africa was echoed by the sound of the vuvuzelas. So what’s the sound in Rio? Well, apparently it’s the ‘Caxirola’ - a rattle type instrument based on the Caxixi, one of the many traditional instruments used in Brazilian music.

Over the last several hundred years, instruments from various countries have influenced Brazil's music styles and sounds. Like the vibrancy of the culture, the music of Brazil is equally diverse, full of energy and life. Music is heard everywhere in Brazil, bars, cafes and restaurants, sporting events, beaches, homes and businesses. It's part and parcel of Brazilian culture and lifestyle. Carnivals and festivals are huge events in Brazil and music is always a big part of those celebrations.

There are many different instruments used to make the beautiful music of Brazil, each creating unusual and eclectic sounds and rhythms but the most popular or well-known Brazilian musical instruments are used in Capoeira...

Why Outdoor Musical Instruments Are Not Just For Kids!

We’ve had some wonderful comments and photos of the outdoor instruments installed on Boscombe pier musical trail. Interestingly it seems the adults are enjoying them just as much as the children, always taking a casual glance around them first to see if anyone is watching before they start playing. I wonder why? Whoever said adults couldn't have fun in public? Children jump at the opportunity to make lots and lots of noise, learning how to create their own unique music, however what makes us adults hesitate first?

I've been told that improvisation can be more difficult as an adult. It can be hard for someone to open up and allow the ‘improv’ to come through. Similarly, adults usually find it more difficult than children to learn a new musical instrument, not because they haven’t got the ability, but often because they are more self-conscious about sounding like a beginner and making mistakes. On the other hand, children don’t have these negative thoughts in their minds, as...

Head Teachers Introduced to Outdoor Musical Instruments

Head teachers gave up a whole weekend of their precious leisure time to meet in Birmingham last weekend: why?

The NAHT Annual Conference is an opportunity for the UK’s leading educationalists to meet together and discuss and debate the current educational issues of real importance. It also provided the delegates with opportunities to network with each other and the conference sponsors.

One of the official sponsors of this year’s conference was Percussion Play distributor Pentagon Sport. Pentagon are experts in the design, supply and installation of outdoor learning environments and playgrounds in primary schools and nurseries across the UK. Visitors to the Pentagon stand were able to enjoy some of the instruments from Percussion Play and explore some rhythm on the Cadenza, generate some creativity, excitement and energy with the Congas and soothe away the stresses by playing the Babel Drum.

Pentagon wanted the opportunity to meet and engage with the conference delegates,...

A Musical Intro To Outdoor Plosive Aerophones | Tembos

Sounds interesting and interesting sounds! Let's introduce you to our most intriguing product - Tembos.

Tembos belong to a group of instruments described as ‘plosive aerophones’. This term includes ‘slap tubes’ and ‘stamping tubes’ and despite some popularisation of the concept by the Blue Man Group, you won’t be alone when you ask ‘what exactly is a plosive aerophone’?! So here’s a brief overview.....

Plosive aerophones have been used far and wide across the world. They have appeared in Brazil and Peru, Trinidad, Cuba, coastal Papua New Guinea and countless other places. It’s in these regions where bamboo is grown and readily available that saw the original instruments built. As the instrument headed west, musicians looking for new sounds adapted the material from bamboo to PVC or other industrial materials. Here at Percussion Play we opted for stainless steel and set to designing our own aerophones.

In simple terms Plosive Aerophones are not a lot more than...

Outdoor Musical Trail for Boscombe Pier

The resort of Boscombe lies just to the east of Bournemouth on the beautiful Dorset coast and will soon be home to the UK’s first multi-purpose Coastal Activity Park. Launching on 12th and 13th April the Park will offer a range of new leisure opportunities both on land and at sea for residents and visitors to Boscombe beach.

Percussion Play was asked to produce a musical trail along the Pier. Originally built in 1888, this is a pier that has seen both good and hard times. Having remained derelict for a number of years it reopened in 2008 following extensive renovation. Boscombe Pier is not the longest, shortest or oldest pier, but it has come to be known as Britain’s coolest. Now visitors will be able to take a stroll along to the end of Boscombe pier, see the surfers, take some photos and share some music making together whilst enjoying the sea air!

The trail consists of Bell Lyre, Harmony, Babel Drum, Tubular Bells and Tembos as well as some bespoke ‘Seaside Chimes’ –...